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Sneak peek Chapter 1

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Harry Potter the order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

Hi guys. 

Today I'm doing something a bit different. I am posting a part of my story in process. I have to add that it's only the beginning. I will keep you posted about the procedure of my writing and if you like it I will maybe post a second part 😁. 

If you have any ideas for a blog post please write it in the comment section down below 😉. Have fun reading. 

If you liked it stay posted. 

Your gal



The sound of wolves howled through a small village on the south of a mountain named the heavens reaching peak. A thin layer of snow covered the village bringing a cold wind into each of the little easy wooden houses. In one of the little houses sat a short girl with dark hair and blue eyes. Her hair was long and scrubby falling into her sad eyes. Her face and hair were full of ashes from the fireplace. A long screech from the unoiled door made her sit up and (try to) tidy her hair. A tall big man entered the dark lonely room the man was wearing a big rabbit fell coat. His two different colored eyes seemed to look direct into your soul. One eye was brown one eye was blue. It seemed as though something very heavy was on his mind. The long black beard fell to his big muscular neck. A complete silence lay in the room until the tall man cleared his throat and huffed in a deep loud voice: “You have disobeyed me. Brought harm to our family and even made the gods angry.  Eleanor you do not deserve the honor of being part of this family.” The girl’s eyes turned watery and Eleanor’s lips sealed tightly but that didn`t keep her from telling her half-brother the way she saw things: “What is wrong to know what is right and what’s wrong Arvid?” Arvid’s face turned an unhealthy red and his thick lips turned a straight line. But his sister wasn`t finish speaking her mind: “Our people are almost doomed we`ve got to try to talk to all of the tribes maybe we can find a peaceful way to end this terrible conflict everyone knows it could kill off our people and other….” “Silence!” screamed Arvid. His face got even redder and his lips were even thinner (if that was even possible) “Up to your chambers right now!” he said in a cold voice. Eleanor knew how much more she would get shouted at so she did what she was told. She crept up the creaking staircase not looking back once. As she reached upstairs the disappointment and sadness turned into a bursting anger that seemed as if it was waiting for a long time for this moment to happen. Arvid has no idea. Our whole tribe is soon going to be doomed if we don’t find a peaceful way to end this almost everlasting war. I will prove to Arvid and everyone else what I’m capable of. She thought to herself. Full of confidence she went down the narrow corridor turned to the right and entered a small room with two small circular windows were the blueish moon shined through with a mystical light that brought the room in a lonely and quiet atmosphere.  On the right hand side was a green small bed with a white pillow and blanket on it and on the left hand side was a pretty tall green closet with good painted flowers on it. Eleanor marched to the closet and pulled out a big brown satchel with patches and a small black button in the middle. She quickly opened it and started packing two pants and two pullovers all squished together, several maps and a Compass. Before she could close the satchel an anxious feeling made its way through her strong anger and ballistic feelings. Her biggest fear was not coming back from the journey that she decided to go. But the thought if she wouldn`t do this she and her tribe wouldn`t even have a chance of surviving was stronger than the fear of not coming back. Full of too much confidence (she almost teared out the black button) she finally closed the satchel and putted it on her right shoulder. But she knew two very important things were missing that she didn`t have in her room. Slowly she crept down the long corridor. Before she went down the stairs Eleanor peered down where she saw that her older brother had already left the room. She suspected that he went for a midnight ride or fly in the dark gargania wood. As sinuous as a cat she crept through the room and slowly opened a door that led to another room where there were shelves filled with some food. She took a loaf of bread and a bit of dried sheep`s meat packed it in the satchel and left the room that served as pantry. With fast and quiet steps she went closer to the door and looked one last time back into the dark and lonely room. She sighed and opened the door she did this slowly because hoped it wouldn`t creek that much, this way she didn`t want to

Wake up the neighbors. Directly the fresh and cold air made her scrubby hair fly in the wind.  Slowly and swiftly she ran towards the center of the big wide grass space where there was a big stone fireplace with a large pile of wood that stood next to it. The wood stood under a small tent looking shelter long benches stood right and left from the fireplace. The loud and strong wind howled as if the wind wanted her to stop walking.  Eleanor didn`t stop as she reached the fireplace but continued to march towards a big house with a big willow tree next to it. The wind howled louder and blew harder than ever before even the big and strong willow started to bend like a blade of grass. Eleanor also felt helpless against the wind. But at last she reached the large door that leaded into the enormous house. With her last strength she opened the heavy door with an iron doorknob. The strong wind changed direction and pushed her into the dark place behind the door as though the wind gave up stopping Eleanor. A smell of hey and horses made her sigh deeply. She whispered some words that sounded like Angraia Gopolis. And more than two dozen oil lamps lit hanging on the celling. The light shined on at least 5 dozen wooden stables with names carved in the dark brown oak wood. Creeping as though she was still scared that somebody might hear her she went to the last stable in the last row where the name Orval was engraved in the dark wood. As she opened silently the stable door a big horse appeared with bright blue eyes. The back alone was one head bigger than Eleanor, Orval`s big and heavy hooves were covered the lots of hair. Orval`s horse mane was so long that reached his long and beefy legs. Although the horse with the name Orval was beefy and big he still had a very elegant aura around him. As Orval saw Eleanor he neighed happily but instead patting him cheerfully like Eleanor would usually do she went to a small wooden hook were a blue coat with a band around the bottom that showed little animals in gold. She wore her coat that she had forgotten in the stable. The coat made her feel way warmer than with only her felt pullover (that had a similar design) Eleanor hushed at him and whispered into his ear. “Orval” she whispered in a comforting voice although she herself was not sure what exactly she was doing. “Will you help me to end the war between the tribes?” but Orval didn`t seem that keen to go out and save the Land in a bad weather. So his reaction was rather negative. He laid his ears back and huffed through his nostrils. It almost looked like a human not wanting to go to school or work. “Oh come on Orval. You can`t be lazy now everybody`s hope is on our shoulders.” Eleanor whisper/shouted. Orval still determined to stay in his stable neighed and shook his head energeticly. “Orval don`t be so stubborn.” Still not letting loose he laid his head on his beefy legs. As though Eleanor knew what her horse was saying he turned a similar red like Arvid. Full of fury Eleanor whisper/shouted as loud as possible: “I`m not stubborn at all I am very persistent that’s it! You know what…” but she couldn`t continue to speak a big loud thud came from the stable opposite of theirs. Shocked Eleanor turned around. The stable where the bang came from hasn`t been used for two years so it couldn`t be a horse in the stable. Scared but to curious to run away Eleanor opened the dark oak door again and tiptoed to the empty seeming stable. Her heart pounded so hardly that her stomach started to hurt awfully. With trembling fingers she opened the door. But nobody was in the stable but a little blue glass ball lay in the darkest corner on the floor. She seized the ball and twirled it around in her hands. Still wondering where the big thud had come from, she strolled back into Orval`s stable. Sunken in her thoughts she automatically packed the little blue glass ball into her big satchel. As Eleanor stepped into the stable a concerned Orval laid his head on her leg. “It`s all okay boy” she said firmly but if you would dig deeper in her voice you could hear how anxious she was herself.

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